info google maps scr eenshot of paths between 8 bogs inf o 44,320 is the st ory of 8 bogs. These spong y piec es of e arth c ont ain ma tt er from t ens of thousands of ye ars ag o and dis tinctive his t ories. V arious cultures have used the bogs as sourc es of ener gy , medicine, preser va tion, and even sacrific e. They have been the b asis of shared st ories and mythologies, and the sit es of artis tic ende avors. Bogs remain vit al to the e arth, functioning as carbon sinks, and t oday are na ture preser ves and t ouris t sit es. The st ories in 44,320 came out of an equal p arts frus tr a tion and c elebr a tion of our current state a nos t algia for wha t onc e was [the e arth] and an absurdis t pursuit of informa tion result ed in this pilgrimag e to the 8 bogs. The resulting st ories c ont ain these bog his t ories, yet also tie them to diverg ent m at erial, including memes, pop songs, politics, glob al crisis, et c. The st ories exis ts on multiple platforms —in an 8-chap t er book , an audio ins t alla tion with 8 lis t ening sta tions, and this websit e. They are nonline ar , and thus can be re ad or lis t ened to in any order . In addition, L andsc ape Piec e —a looping audio work in c ollabor a tion with sound artis ts Buck McDaniel and Jac ob Kirkwood—ac c omp anies the 8 works. Ple ase c ont act me at for further inquiries back 44,320 chelsea polk This sit e a cc omp anies my MF A Thesis E xhibition, May 3-19, 2019 at Massachuse tt s Museum of Cont empor ary Art . Thank you to Buck McDaniel , my c ollabor ato r, and Jac ob Kirkword (Buck ’s c ollabor at or); Declan Malone y , for editing and voic e acting; Be a Aldrich , for visiting Ireland with me and int er viewing bog experts; Cleo Miao for building this sit e; Zhidong ( Jude) Zhang for ins t alla tion support ; Tim Wolf for carpentr y; Dennis Svorono s for Arduino help; Jona than S trick er , Gabe Barbo za , and Srin Chakr avorty for voic e acting, John St einer for audio t ech support ; Evan Swinerton for driving 7 hours with me to go to a bog; Giorgi De Vit o for c oming with me to ano ther bog; and of c ourse, my c ohort, te achers, and gr adu ate st aff at MassArt .